Network setup and maintenance
We can design a complete network from the ground up or build off what you already have in place. In order to keep your network running efficiently, we normally recommend several tools that will allow us to perform basic monitoring and troubleshooting remotely. This allows us to catch and correct network problems before they become critical.
Hardware Upgrades
Your PC's may require a memory upgrade to boost performance or a PC may require a hard drive upgrade or replacement. No matter what the upgrade, we can do it quickly and efficiently getting the system back to a usable state with all of your business applications intact.
Internet security, virus and spam protection
It is becoming more and more important to make sure that all networks are secure from outside attack even for very small businesses. We can configure defenses against hackers, viruses, and spam email specifically tailored to your network and business requirements.
It’s becoming more important for organizations to make sure key security requirements are met in order to obtain cyber insurance or work with other business partners who require a certain security standard.
Network and workstation troubleshooting
This can run the gammit from a single slow PC to system wide network errors. We will quickly isolate the problem and let you know exactly what it will take to correct.
Internet connectivity, email/web server setup and maintenance
We can recommend the most cost effective and efficient Internet connectivity solution and recommend solutions for email and web sites that are tailored to your business requirements
smart Phone Integration
We can integrate your smart phone to work with your company email.
Data backup and disaster recovery planning
In a very short time, your business data becomes many more times valuable than the hardware that it runs on. It is very important to ensure that your data is fully recoverable in the event of hardware failure or building disaster. We will ensure that your data is backed up and easily restored with minimal business interruption.
Remote access solutions
If you require access to your company systems from home or other locations, we can recommend a fully secure way to suit your needs.